Today’s Poetry

My Bottoms

I decided to stop wearing my bottoms
because things just didn’t fit right.
They were never really all that comfortable.
So I decided to toss them aside.

For me, this is all really new.
As I age, I discover more things.
And this is one of those problems
that time and maturity brings.

Wearing bottoms just felt unnatural.
But, really, I just wanted to be free.
Sometimes they were loose. Sometimes they were tight.
And more often than not, bothered me.

Oft times I would lose concentration
when I’d feel them slipping a bit.
Missing out on some conversation
and reacting like some sort of half-wit.

I admit that I like this much better.
Freed in ways I cannot define.
No longer a slave to my vanity.
Feeling somehow, much more, streamlined.

I’ve still got some bottom equipment
that could use some support I suppose.
But what I’ve got down there still functions
as far as anyone knows.

It takes me less time in the morning
to get myself all put together.
I don’t even reach for my bottoms.
Could this be some sort of bellwether?

Are there other things on my person
I might easily do without?
What’s the next thing I might toss away?
Something constricting, no doubt.

Nobody could know that I’m bottomless
unless I were to let something slip.
If they knew, would it change how they see me?
Would they find me offensive? Unhip?

For now, I am perfectly comfortable
being comfortable just as I am.
If someone says something, who knows?
Guess I’d have to get with the program.

Unless something else goes wrong down there
I’m content to continue this way.
I’ll stick with my uppers and hang on to my lowers
until I need them someday.

For now, I’m enjoying my freedom.
So I leave them in the container.
The one that holds both my dentures.
For me, it’s just a no brainer.

Copyright 2025 by Jose Antonio Ponce